Explore Our Prior Work In Strategic Business Solutions

  • Drove innovation strategy and led the development of new products, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.
  • Created, developed, and implemented a proprietary predictive analytics model for workers' compensation claims, reducing claim and disability durations as well as medical and claim expenses.
  • Worked with clients to develop a build or buy strategy for strategic software development tools.
  • Conducted analysis on client-managed care program results and created action plans to improve outcomes and increase program results.
  • Designed and implemented an internal vendor portal improving adjuster and case manager access and efficiency on external vendor requests.
  • Developed and implemented a new telemedicine model for workers' compensation claimants using technology with a strategic partner to improve access to care.
  • Created a new customized preferred provider network model managed. This included ongoing operation and strategy for a preferred provider network of over 1 million providers.
  • Selected and implemented new Utilization Review software, Medical Bill Review software, and Preferred Provider Network web tool.
  • Developed and implemented offshoring strategies and programs for a variety of clients in all industries.
  • Created staff development and certification programs on US insurance, claim, and managed care principles for global operations team members.
  • Worked with internal IT teams to develop and enhance software tools used by internal resources for processing client functions.
A man in suit and tie sitting at a table with a laptop.